ERR Congrats Nidhi starting your own column.nothing like putting into words ones own thoughts that sweep across one's mind all the while.Good to know we have a Princess in the family.. liked your style of writing..informal chat..looking fwd to more in days ahead..

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Brava! You have touched on a very relevant topic to start off the journey. "A singularly prominent influence is visibility. To be more specific, our perceptions of our visibility and our audience. The more the awareness of rhetoric of our visual situation, the greater the need to make a statement, where even a deliberate lack of effort says many things in an instant." Very very well said. More than ever everything seems to be judged through that lens. I love your acute perceptions - in view of our new reality. Wonder what lessons the young are learning from all this posturing and posing and designing of the style of the self! I wish you fun and happiness as you delve into the depths of your inner mind. Keep writing - Cannot wait to read more from you, girl!

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Hi all! I don't know if you all can read this, but I just want to be sure that the comment feature works. Some of my readers have been contacting me, telling me that the comment feature does not show up. I welcome all your thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Stay safe, everyone.

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